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Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (FRPN) Webinar - Increase Retention & Participation

Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (FRPN) Webinar:

Inside the Black Box, Part 2: Fathers' Attendance in Fatherhood Programs

Feb 2018:  The FRPN will host our 10th learning community webinar in early February. Inside the Black Box, Part 2: Fathers’ Attendance in Fatherhood Programs will take place on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST.  This webinar focuses on participant attendance in fatherhood programs. Practitioners will discuss rates of attendance, factors that affect it and methods of increasing it. Researchers will describe approaches to measuring attendance in fatherhood programs, the effects of attendance on fathers’ outcomes and future directions for studying it.

Presenters include:

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Why Create Fatherhood Programs for Young Parents in America?

Why Create Fatherhood Programs for Young Parents in America?

When you look at how the structure of the American family has evolved over the last few decades, we see a picture of relentless shape shifting in intimate relationships. The notion of “family” and “home life” continues to transform especially when childhood traumas and challenges impact its development. There are a wide range of types of family set ups that are vastly different to the “old-fashioned” family of two parents living together with their children. This “ideal” seems totally out of reach for many parents in 2017.

Unmarried Parents

In the US our married, divorced and remarrying statistics are the highest compared to any other developed country. There are also many more unmarried mothers with a massive 41% of children now coming into this world out of wedlock. When we look at the ever-widening gap in income and opportunity we see that 57% with high school diplomas or less are unmarried when they give birth for the first time.

Challenges for Young Fathers

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Fantastic Opportunities for Summer Institutes-Life Coaching Certification in Atlanta and St. Louis - Virtual Global Participation Open

Join us at Harris Stowe University 

Midwest Regional Fathers & Families Coalition Institute - St. Louis, MO

Juy 10th & 11th 


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Early Registration Fees at 18th Annual Families & Fathers Conference

Do not miss out on early conference rates


Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to expand our conference resources, workshops, series of custom trainings, accreditation and training of trainers institutes as well as national awards all embedded in ourNational 18th Annual Families and Fathers Conference. Our new conference program, gives you an in-depth understanding of the impacts for this special conference but it is the potential take-aways to use the information to help your own personal growth and or the high level of information to increase skills and knowledge that will help others transform. This conference is forALLwho want to go deeper and why we have invested to bring you the best conference at modest fees.


Our Early Conference Registration Fees have been extended to help you to prepare for a tremendous event in Los Angeles, California February 27th through March 3rd. I am excited about the content of this program, not taking away from anyone who ever has shared their talents, time and resources making any of the past seventeen events special but this is a new experience. The experience you will have at ourconferencecould be overwhelming, however, the diversity of professionals, workshops and the enormous support of volunteers is what brings the entire experience to fresh and endless opportunities for you to feel thatNever Giving Up - Breakthrough 2017.


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Coming in 2017! A New Model - Certified Fatherhood Life Coach

Fathers & Families Coalition of America has trained well over 18,000 individuals regarding the impact of fathers on children, families and communities since 2000. We have trained in the thousands to expand their skills as practitioners. Twenty-years ago, the vision to work with fathers started from a collaborative model designed in Arizona that has grown to help others increase globally. Now, we will work with others that are leaders in the field working with fathers as well as those we have worked with training life coaches. The core of our future Fatherhood Life Coach is going to be centered high standards for practitioners who will elevate as coaches. 


If you are interested in the training as a Certified Fatherhood Life Coach that will start with training in our National Fatherhood Practitioner Certificate, incorporating elements from a one-on-one as a reflective process A Nurturing Father’s Journal, under the guidance of Fathers & Families Coalition of America with experts training Life Coaches as we come side-by-side to help professionals in their journey to help others. 

Contact us @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 424-225-1323 to get prepared as a future peer in this new model of professional growth.


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Fatherhood Practitioner Certificate Training - August 10th




Healthy Families & Fathers Summer Training Institute

Fatherhood Practitioner Certificate Training - Wednesday, August 10th

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