Social Policy
Fathers and Families Coalition of America, we address issues essential to the well-being of our nation’s children and families through family engagement, building healthy communities and at the core, policies that support parents, not just dads but all parents.
Our committed group of organizations, provided services to disenfranchised populations or they are advocates and researchers to improve the conditions of individuals throughout America and globally. Our targeted areas to increase the awareness of the needs of the outcomes of children. Changes in the state of the American family over the past several decades, one of the most pressing issues in America is the rise of single-parent households and this is a contributing factor to how we look at the policy to address services to families in a new lens.
Fathers and Families Coalition of America is an advocate for policies legislation, and programs that will promote a new prescribed lens that healthy child development and prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring in the first place. FFCA has been very fortunate to use a regional and state involvement that enhances support for federal policies and providing technical assistance to help facilitate effective advocacy at the state and local levels. Instead of a national or centrally headquartered approach, the use of local, state and regional affiliate leadership draws in diverse experts from child welfare, housing, economics, early childhood, social work, family development and community building with public policy experts.
Fathers and Families Coalition of America with the Center for the Study of Social Policy and other policy experts, we address the niche policies on youth and young parents. The need to focus on more active father involvement and strategies that are efficiently moving individuals out of poverty, disparities education, employment and stable relationships with the mothers of their children will increase consistent father involvement over time to ultimately improve outcomes for children.
Fathers and Families Coalition of America 2020 Vision to have at least one affiliate in all fifty (50) states to have an active advocate to share with policy-makers about the issues that are of the most concern to their communities and nation. We believe that coming together with entities such as, CSSP or experts like Dr. Rufus Sylvester Lynch, ACSW, NASW Social Work Pioneer ® Chair of the Strong Families Commission, Incorporation and our Regional FFCA Affiliate Leads that work with policymakers and communities across the country to improve the lives of the most vulnerable children and families.
Join Fathers and Families Coalition of America as advocates for social justice and improving the outcomes for children and families throughout the United States and internationally.
The following are resources for those who desire to go beyond practice to create local, state, regional, national and international commissions, coalitions, networks or be champion for the needs of children and families:
- Congressional Update on Fatherhood Policies for “A Unified Voice for Fatherhood Initiatives” Conference
- Summary of Suggestions April 2019 Unifying Voices National Leadership Call by Jill Hunter-Williams, Ph.D.,
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Conference 2018 Briefing by Fathers and Families Coalition of America
- Unifying Voice of Fatherhood Initiatives by Fatherhood Research and Practice Network
- The Family First Prevention Services Act
- Administration for Children and Families
- Final Rule: Flexibility, Efficiency, and Modernization in Child Support Enforcement Programs
- Family First Prevention Services Act Bill Summary
- Resources from a National Fatherhood Leadership Summit by Administration for Children and Families Survey Items and Feedback from January 26, 2019
- National Stakeholders Meetings
- Capacity Building Assistance
- Technical Assistance and Training
- Advanced Practitioner Credentialing
- Major Conferences & Events for Ongoing Professional Development
Call us for more information 424-225-1323 or connect with one of our Regional FFCA Affiliate Leads here or our Chief Executive Officer james.rodriguez@fathersandfamiliescoalition.org to be part of a cause bigger than self.