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Join us at the 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference, Never Giving Up-Breakthrough 2017 on Monday, February 27th thru Friday, March 3rd for a tremendous experience that we can all take away to go help others. We will honor fathers, couples, leaders and family-life on Thursday, March 2nd at 6:30p.m. at our Drs. Ramon & Yolanda Nieves Family Affiar Red Tie/Red Dress Gala at the Sheraton LAX Gateway Hotel, Los Angeles, California


Join Fathers & Families Coalition of America on March 2nd  honoring others with the Board of Directors and President & Chief Executive Officer of Fathers & Families Coalition of America. We are privileged to have a partnership withBlack Family Preservation Group, Inc.based out of Ohio to support the Family of the Year Honorees. This event could not happen without the numerous volunteers and sponsorships fromLabCop DNA,Kaplan,Major Family Services,Nurturing Fathers Program,Premiere Planning,4The -Bodyand special support fromThe Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving.

For More Information and or Reserve Your Gala Ticket.... Please Go Here

Support? 424-225-1323 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Early Registration Fees at 18th Annual Families & Fathers Conference

Do not miss out on early conference rates


Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to expand our conference resources, workshops, series of custom trainings, accreditation and training of trainers institutes as well as national awards all embedded in ourNational 18th Annual Families and Fathers Conference. Our new conference program, gives you an in-depth understanding of the impacts for this special conference but it is the potential take-aways to use the information to help your own personal growth and or the high level of information to increase skills and knowledge that will help others transform. This conference is forALLwho want to go deeper and why we have invested to bring you the best conference at modest fees.


Our Early Conference Registration Fees have been extended to help you to prepare for a tremendous event in Los Angeles, California February 27th through March 3rd. I am excited about the content of this program, not taking away from anyone who ever has shared their talents, time and resources making any of the past seventeen events special but this is a new experience. The experience you will have at ourconferencecould be overwhelming, however, the diversity of professionals, workshops and the enormous support of volunteers is what brings the entire experience to fresh and endless opportunities for you to feel thatNever Giving Up - Breakthrough 2017.


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By becoming part of our circle of friends, you are inspiring and empowering youth, families and leaders globally. When you connect with Fathers and Families Coalition of America, you will be more effective with the right people, resources and purpose. 

The process of changing our abilities as individuals, parents, professionals, leaders or even organizations involves constant growth. Fathers and Families Coalition of America is calling us to go deeper daily to provide more to help others and to help each of you fulfill your purpose. The core of the ability to increase resources is based on relationship. At the core of FFCA, we are built on relationships. These relationships include parents, grandparents and youth who want to volunteer to support our programs. We have had over 150 volunteers formally recognized in the past few years.

Relationships that have determined to help others Find A Cause Bigger Than Self has allowed our organization to bring together some of the best minds in organizations and practitioners. These core relationships provide professional development for practitioners and leaders to be at their best and be more effective. We have brought together those who have a method to help others find their purpose and achieve their goal through our talented researchers to help transform the seed, the core of organizations to rekindle, revitalize and restore the core power of the organizations.

The essence of our support is to encourage people, professionals and organizations to address building healthy communities by reducing factors that foster fatherlessness. This is the seed of Fathers and Families Coalition of America. Additionally, we will help you as a member examine your core power of purpose. Myopia distorts destiny and often yields to find new relationships, methods and continuous improvement to support the Cause Bigger Than Self. Whatever seed that was put in an organization or person that has passion often needs relationships to help cultivate the specific purpose. FFCA is here to help.

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