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FFCA has archived hundreds of policy, research, event, and call to action posts. Call us at +1-424-225-1323 or email

Why Is Honoring Others Important?

Community Engagement
Purpose, Passion, Mentoring, and Legacy
Dr. James C. Rodriguez, MSW
7 February 2023


Why Is Honoring Others Important?

When we recognize the impacts of others in the lives they have touched and give them a moment of celebration and recognition they matter, we also receive from giving. By honoring another, you are saying you see great value in them. How do you define honoring another person? What makes a dad more special than a father? Why should we strive to show the nominations and eventually honorees at our international conference to them that we care and that they are essential to us? In the honoring, four crucial questions are answered with millions of moments and memories. When genuinely modeled to others generations, the cornerstones of passion, purpose, mentoring, and devotion are changed because of one person, one leader, one dad, one couple, and a person committed to community service.

Too many amazing people have been invincible.

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  2701 Hits

How Does Your Purpose and What The World Need Matter? - Dr. James C. Rodriguez, MSW

Community Engagement
Helping The Nexuses of Passion and Purpose
Dr. James C. Rodriguez, MSW
29 January 2023


"How does one know if they have been called to do something special?"

I have a big smile on my face as I write this blog. Over the decades, starting as a very young, under 25-year-old single father, I never knew that one day, I would be part of something global. While serving on active duty in the military, I thought  I would do twenty years and then figure it out, especially since I enlisted at 17. Honestly, what 17-year-old or young parent knows their destiny? I am still figuring it out almost thirty years later. However, I understand that neither can truly enjoy life's greatest fulfillment, figuring it out alone. In 2023, with tremendous support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a talented group of more than team members but the lifelong adopted family who started as professionals grew into friendships and now are a collection of adopted fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and yes, that one unique cousin, I am honored to share a new direction for Fathers and Families Coalition. 

High Expectations Combined with Your Best Efforts Equals Success

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Let's Scream for Father Inclusion by Kenn L. Harris

Let's Scream
Kenn L. Harris
28 January 2023



"I scream, you scream…we all scream, 'ice cream'" is a chant I remember growing up.

It is also a chant similar to what we've heard about including fathers in the work with families and communities. The challenge is that historically, this country has a de-valuing for fathers of color. In many policies in family services programs, you'll see that fathers of color have been rendered invisible, considered insignificant, and valueless in their families.

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Getting The Most Out Of Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships
Getting The Most Out Of Healthy Relationships
John Van Epp, Ph.D.,
25 January 2023


I believe that the greatest joys of life and some of our deepest sorrows often flow from our relationships. My counseling career extended over thirty years, most of it while running my private practice in northern Ohio. And without a doubt, most hurting people I counseled had some relationship struggles.

 Around halfway through my years of counseling, I had a growing desire to go upstream, where people seemed to be falling into the proverbial stream of relationship problems. It seemed to me that the majority of relationship issues were caused by either the slow build of unresolved conflicts or the slow leak of neglected needs. However, both could have been either prevented or resolved much earlier to avoid the critical care conditions that walked into my office.

There are many indicators that a couple will succeed in a healthy relationship when both partners lean on each other and support each other during the easy and the difficult times as best friends, building on mutual respect and trust.
Building a Model of Success

Healthy Relationships
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End of Year Celebration Men2Men and Women2Women Cafe - Saturday

We are inviting you to join us for an end-of-year celebration. If you had a tough time in 2022, maybe losses of family, friends, or challenges of adversity. Could you consider taking one-hour for you to be replenished? We are inviting you to the Men2Men Cafe and Women2Women Cafe programs'  last cafe session for 2022 with a time of joy and laughter.

Topic: End of Year Cafe
Time: Dec 17, 2022, 08:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting 

Holistically HEALarious is a holistic company specializing in laughter sessions.  Bringing in laughter therapy will lift up your end of the year. Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to host HEALariously healthy environment where laughter is celebrated and viewed positively will create a place of enjoyment. 

jamesrodriguez 12 2000X750

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Leadership Institute Overview

Zoom Meeting 

I am honored to share the OAR Leadership Institute with my co-host, Dr. Aida Diaz, former President of Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico, and our organization's new Vice President, on October 4-6, 2022, at the University of Puerto Rico. I am inviting you to an overview of this program that will include a few samples of the training for Friday, August 5th at 10:30 a.m. EST. 

Learn how the OAR Leadership Program can help you take your organization, leadership, and life to the next level with a brief program overview - on August 5, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. EST using this Zoom link:

Please visit our website for additional details about the program and enrollment process  this page includes a few of the activities in each of the four modules, leadership plan, and executive coaching sessions (post-institute). If you plan on joining, email me which activity you would like to sample for me to select and use during our time together. 

FFCA has trained diverse professionals and contracted by Child Support Services, Child Welfare, Social Services, and Community Action Agencies, as well as grant awards from the State of California Office of Child Abuse Prevention. Ultimately, this is a program of introspectiveness interconnected with inspiration. I am looking forward to sharing this model with you and others.


Best regards,

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Learn and Help Others - Summer 2022 Advanced Practitioner Credential Course

Advanced Practitioner Credential Program 2022

Friends & Colleagues, 

I was introduced to social work, counseling, youth development services, volunteerism, and more in 1989. I was just two months shy of six years of active duty services in the armed forces when I because a counselor. I was, as they say, "raw" with no experience (academically), but there was something that stirred my spirit to help others. I started my professional career as an army combat medic, and I was involved in many community volunteer programs. However, in 1989, I decided to receive formal training as a substance abuse counselor. Wow, I learned the hard way about what is or not the skills to be the best practitioner. Over thirty years later, I continue in professional development and education to ensure I sharpen my skills and additional resources to share with others. 

Since 1993, I have been so curious about how we can help family service workers in Head Start programs, working with others, we created a 13-college credit course, Family Preservation. The Advanced Practitioner Credential's genesis is in that course with those I respected at Arizona State University, Central Arizona College, and Head Start executives. Since designing the studies in 1994,  I have instructed tens of thousands of professionals, giving away lessons learned and learning from over ninety nations with so many diverse professionals. I am very fortunate to consider myself a teacher, social worker, leader, and colleague who wants to help others go to the next level. 

I want to give a mini introduction to what I believe is a fantastic opportunity for all levels of professionals and, over the years, many parents who have participated in the Advanced Practitioner Credential Course. Over the decades, the spirit of learning and help has advanced but still, deep within my essence, is a desire to be part of something that makes a difference in the lives of others. The instructional design is something I am honored to create. However, the many strategies from founding theorists and practitioners such as Aristotle, Viktor Frankl, Shoma Morita, Shlomo Breznitz, Maria Napoli, even the Art of Flow by Steve Jobs, and many more are incorporated in this unique eleven module opportunity to know you better. 

At the end of 2021, I started the process of a complete transformation of the curricula presented by the Fathers and Families Coalition of America. The three curriculum manuals include: "Unlocking Possibilities Globally, I Am Going Anyway, and Discovering The Best Of You." The depth of these programs is you! When you take these courses, they are not just another lecture or didactic approach to instruction. Yes, there are many research and practicum principles in each module. However, you become the constant knower together as we explore possibilities to help others, starting with ourselves. 

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National Policy Conversation on The Lives of Children and Families

National Fireside Conversation

June 15, 2022
2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Live Virtual Session

FFCA hosts annual policy-focused sessions and a series during our now internationally attended conference. Attendees from professional fields such as child welfare, early childhood, marriage and family therapists, social work, criminal justice, psychologists, educators, counselors, family service workers, fatherhood practitioners, public policy, foundations, and more! You can join us and give your insights into developing these crucial conversations.

Please join our stakeholder group sign-up form here if you want to be part of essential national policy briefings, cafe sessions, or national conference policy roundtable sessions.

Father's Day week is here, and the Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to host a National Fireside Conversation on the Impacts of Policies and Strengthening Families.

We invite you to join our featured speaker, Congressman Danny K. Davis, Il-07, Chair of a crucial sub-committee with the responsibilities of many legislations impacting millions through federally funded programs. 

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Great News a 50% Discount Off Conference Registration for 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference

I am sharing great news! Collaboration is a benefit for many stakeholders. In 2022, we have confirmed support for the 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference, as of yesterday, from the following:

  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • First 5 California
  • Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving
  • Nurturing Fathers Program

The support allows giving a LIMITED amount of discounts for NEW registrations. FFCA will discount 50% off in-person attendees, going from $299 early to $149.50. We will also give a 35% discount for all NEW virtual registrations. The fee from $209 is now $104.50! The conference is a hybrid event with all sessions LIVE and NOT taped like many virtual conferences.

All specialty training programs with NEW enrollment for the Advanced Practitioner Credential, Leadership Institute, and Nurturing Fathers Program will have limited 50% discounted rates because the sponsors are all under $100! Also, we will have simultaneous Spanish interpretation for the Advanced Practitioner Credential and Nurturing Fathers Curriculum Program (NFP Spanish Trainers Manual is Available).

Thank you to our sponsors, faculty, and volunteers because with the support, we can help others attend this fantastic conference well beyond a modest registration rate. The discounts are LIMITED and will end next week!

Discount Code is Sponsors2022

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DiSC Free Training for December 18th Cafe Session


Join us on Saturday, December 18th

8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. California Time

Virtual Men2Men and Women2Women Café

DISC test dimensions
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December 17th Fireside Conversation

Friday, December 17
@ 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Overview of the 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference

We have some great plans to complete our conference planning, add some special speakers, and more. Two (2) giveaways will take place during the Zoom Conversation. One person will be given a FREE conference registration. One person will receive a $50.00 gift card. Dr. Chacko Abraham, Jessica Poche, and Dr. James Rodriguez sit down to discuss and provide a meaningful overview of the 23rd annual conference.

Topic: Open Overview of 23rd Conference
Time: Dec 17, 2021 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 7510 2328
Passcode: 218485
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,88175102328# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,88175102328# US (Houston)

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Save Up to 30% Off Registration Fees and Join Our Special Faculty - 23rd Annual Families and Fathers National Conference


Featured Speaker &

Special Discounts

Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to announce one of our featured speakers, Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD. We have hosted thousands of faculty members over the past 20+ years. Join us in 2022 as we are thrilled to have Dr. Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD, an expert helping parents navigate wellness for their children and healthy families.

Participants will go through a journey together on how we can improve the wellness of children and young parents. Dr. Hammond is just one of the amazing 60 plus speakers at our 23rd annual conference. Join us in person or live virtually.

MARCH 8 -11, 2022
Love the Last Word
23rd Annual Families and Fathers International Hybrid Conference
Hilton Los Airport
5711 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90045

FFCA will host its 23rd national/international conference that will be both powerful and influential.  Over fifty workshops, specialty training programs, networking, podcasts, and a closing gala. Register Here Today

Hilton LAX Hotel Discounted Room Rates Limited

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Leadership Institute 2021

The O.A.R. Leadership Institute was created with the mindset that nonprofit, social work, marriage and family, early childhood, and other professionals often do not get training programs for their personal and professional development centered on leadership. Fathers and Families Coalition of America invites you to enroll, now invest into yourself with the leadership institute, September 22-24, 2021. #socialwork #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #coaching #mentalhealth #wellness #mentoring #nonprofit #inspiration #success #mindset


DiSC Personality Profile Assessment
The Building Blocks of Leadership and Success

Leadership Goal Setting the Ikigai & Positive Psychology Philosophies
Emotional Intelligence Training

Leadership Development Plan

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22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference Discount Supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation

Hybrid Event -

Fathers and Families Coalition of America was awarded a grant by the Annie E. Casey Foundation we are passing on this award to limited registrations starting today. If you are attending in person, we offer a 25% discount for full conference attendees if we can go beyond the hybrid planned event. Anyone who wants to attend the LIVE virtual/hybrid conference has a 15% discount.

We are grateful to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and hopefully, you register today! When you get your confirmation, create your attendee profile and drop a thank you note to the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Please review the FAQ's for our conference, because with our partnerships to include Whova, Inc. you can attend your session LIVE and for six months post-conference go and watch any workshop on-demand.


Grant funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation gives in-person attendees 25% off and virtual attendees 15% off!

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Limited Opportunity Call for Workshop Proposals - 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference

Limited Opportunity Call for Workshop Proposals - 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference

Hybrid Event -

Limited Call for Workshop Slots Available


Be sure to head on over to the WEBSITE to learn more about our new 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference plans and see the inspiration behind each track, roundtable, and special hybrid conference that is supported by our talented team of collaborations and the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Law Office of Jeffery M. Leving, just two of our 2021 Sponsors.

Final Call for Workshop.pdf


22nd Annual Families and Fathers National Conference
Hilton Los Airport
5711 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90045
May 16-19
Virtual Experience with FFCA Live and Limited Planned In-Person Enrollment Opportunities

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Read a Book to a Child, and Make the World a Better Place

Read a Book to a Child, and Make the World a Better Place
By Caitlin Burnham

Families come in all shapes and sizes… and species! From a caravan of camels, a herd of elk, a pride of lions, a colony of bats, or a community of people, we need each other to survive and thrive.

In a community, we come together to support each other, learn from each other, and inspire each other. A community gives us a sense of fellowship, safety, and belonging. One of the best ways to foster community in young children is to teach them about empathy. A strong sense of empathy helps children build strong relationships with the other community members and encourages tolerance and acceptance of others.

Stories about mammal families can be a safe and powerful way to foster community and promote compassion. Mammals grow up in so many different ways -- deep in the ocean, high in the trees, in vast deserts or abundant rain forests. Mammal young can be raised with lots of siblings with a mother and father, can be a twin raised in a community of females, or a single baby with a single parent. Showing the variety of families and communities in the natural world opens the door to new ways of understanding what community means.

This is How I Grow, and the Spanish edition, Así crezco, are two new children’s books about mammals families. The book explores the different paths baby mammals take to become “all grown up.” Through beautiful, panoramic illustrations and fascinating text, kids learn about the skills baby mammals, such as whales, polar bears, and giraffes, must learn from their family -- and community -- on their way to maturity.

Image1 Bat2
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  1330 Hits

National Fireside Chat: Child Support and Systems Engaging Families and Fathers

The Fathers and Families Coalition of America continues a series of public policy. We invite you to join us and share with your friends, parents, professionals, and leaders concerned about the wellness of children and families. How can we increase the effectiveness of services to fathers engaged by child support and other government programs? We host a wonderful group of experts on Wednesday, October 7th, at 12:55 p.m. Eastern Standard, 11:55 a.m. Central Standard, 9:55 a.m. Pacific Standard Time zones. 

Have you joined in virtual meetings and wanted to ask a question? FFCA is using our forum to give a fireside chat based on questions from our community partnerships. Please use the quick sign-up enrollment form and consider an item you want to ask of the guests to give you the best outcome from this time together. We will send a confirmation email to join the Webex via Cisco. Sign-up here today to join us for this powerful event (enrollment form)

Mr. James Murray, M.P.A., Senior Advisor, Office of Child Support Enforcement
Washington, D.C.


Ms. Kelley Cote, Director, Lassen County Department of Child Support Services
Susanville, California

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New Office in Puerto Rico and President of the Latino Institute of Fathers and Families Coalition


I do not get overly excited about professional purpose-driven opportunities; however, I am delighted that we have formerly established FFCA in Puerto Rico!  Dr. Aida Diaz has based us at the Medina Professional Center, Calle Monseñor Torres, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00925.  FFCA will form the new Latino Institute led by Dr. Aida Díaz Rivera.



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Impacts of COVID-19 In the Wellness of Men - August Men2Men Community Cafe






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Health & Wellness Women2Women Community Café - August 29th


Health & Wellness
What does it mean to you?

Dr. Haynes (Educator and healthcare leader), Monifa Martin (Physician Assistant), and Sekena Rochelin (Fitness Expert) will be discussing health and wellness at our next Café. Come prepared to chat about what health and wellness mean to you? They will be discussing the connections to other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, weight management, and more and the impact sound and consistent health and wellness can have on you physically and psychologically!


Text Women2Women to 31996 or Click Here

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