Join us at the 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference, Never Giving Up-Breakthrough 2017 on Monday, February 27th thru Friday, March 3rd for a tremendous experience that we can all take away to go help others. We will honor fathers, couples, leaders and family-life on Thursday, March 2nd at 6:30p.m. at our Drs. Ramon & Yolanda Nieves Family Affiar Red Tie/Red Dress Gala at the Sheraton LAX Gateway Hotel, Los Angeles, California
Join Fathers & Families Coalition of America on March 2nd honoring others with the Board of Directors and President & Chief Executive Officer of Fathers & Families Coalition of America. We are privileged to have a partnership withBlack Family Preservation Group, Inc.based out of Ohio to support the Family of the Year Honorees. This event could not happen without the numerous volunteers and sponsorships fromLabCop DNA,Kaplan,Major Family Services,Nurturing Fathers Program,Premiere Planning,4The -Bodyand special support fromThe Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving.
For More Information and or Reserve Your Gala Ticket.... Please Go Here
Support? 424-225-1323 or
The ultimate goal of Fathers & Families Coalition of America to improve outcomes for children. Which raises a question, "What are is needed to improve child wellbeing for children with parents who are living one crisis away from not reaching their best?" We have so many children under-reported not living with a father in their lives around the world. The conversation Fathers & Families Coalition of America brought leaders together to at our National Families and Fathers 17th Annual Conference, February 16, 2016. These leaders include:
Dr. Blanca Enríquez, Director, Office of Head Start - Washington, DC.
Dr. Aida Díaz de Rodríguez, President, Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico - San Juan, PR
Brigadier General Richard Noriega, President and CEO, AVANCE, Inc. - San Antonio, TX
Dr. Allan McCray, President, Life Impact – San Juan, PR & Phoenix, AZ
Fathers & Families Coalition of America is committed as one of our priorities to address the elimination of poverty in America and globally. We facilitated a release of two 2015 winter briefs on the Elimination of Poverty. In 2016, we will go to Jamaica to support the overwhelming homes in poverty. Throughout the United States, the growing cascade of the disproportionality of poverty rates has continued. During our National Families & Fathers 17th Annual Conference, February 18, 2016 Fathers & Families Coalition of America brought international experts to address Building Healthy Families and Communities.
We are honored to share the following speakers for you to listen and take a ways from Dr. Maria Cancian, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Policy Administration for Children and Families Washington, DC; Ms. Vicki Turetsky, Commissioner for the U.S. Office of Child Support Washington, DC;. Dr. Ronald B. Mincy, Maurice V. Russell Professor of Social Policy and Social Work Practice Columbia University, New York City, NY and Ms. Joyce A. Thomas, Regional Administrator, Administration for Children and Families, Region II New York City, NY
Annual Red Tie/Red Dress Family Affair Gala
Los Angeles, California
Join us for the our National Gala & Awards at the Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel February 18th starting at 6:30p.m. for this Red Tie/Red Dress National Awards Gala as we honor others and a night of inspiration!
U.S. Congressman, Danny K. Davis, Seventh District for the State of Illinois and a national a champion for healthy families will support the honoring of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, Wounded Warriors, fathers honorees from 15 states with remarks for all. Moreover, from the U.S. House of Representatives , Office of U.S. Congressman Danny K. Davis of the 7th Dsitrict for the State of Ilinois Corporation for National and Community Service administered by Points of Light and The U.S. Office of Head Start as well as from the and Fathers & Families Coalition of America we will have additional recognitions for our Ambassador Agencies; Fathers of the Year; Couples of Excellence; and a very special National Leader of the Year honoree!

Serving Young Fathers in Home Visiting Programs
What are the experiences of early childhood home visiting programs attempting to engage young fathers? Learn about young fathers' motivations for participating, the unique challenges that young fathers present, and the strategies that staff use to serve this population.