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Atlanta Conference Special Series Trauma ​​Informed ​​Care and Human Trafficking June 9th

South-East Healthy Fathers & Families Institute

June 8th & 9th

Clark Atlanta University

Atlanta, Georgia

Register Today here                                                                       

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Special Series Engaging Dads & Children Living Homeless in the U.S.

engaging dads and children living homeless in the u.s.

(Alex and his son, Junior going through the journey overcoming homelessness in America)

Men living in poverty are more than twice as likely to become absent fathers than their middle-class peers (U.S. Census Bureau). However, poverty does not have to define outcomes for children nor does homelessness of fathers prevent being a better every day. On Friday, June 9th at a very special summer institute, we will host speakers, advocates, researchers and experts on engaging fathers who are homeless. Administration for Children and Families’ Preventing Family & Youth Homelessness with a different focus on how to engage homeless fathers as a priority. Policy responding into effective practice “engaging homeless dads” by REACHUP, Inc. Central Hillsborough(Florida) Healthy Start Male Involvement Initiative will talk on proven strategies that is increasing wellness for children and families.

The highlighted ACF initiative and effective practice comes with a vibrant documentary.  Producers on "Daddy Don't Go" an award-winning documentary about socially disadvantaged fathers currently airing on the STARZ Network.  

"Daddy Don't Go" is executive produced by actors/activists Omar Epps and Malik Yoba. Esteemed Professor Kathryn Edin of Johns Hopkins University says the of the film: "Every American must see this film. Why is it so heartbreakingly hard—even impossible—to be a decent dad in America if you're poor? 'Daddy Don't Go' should sear the nation's conscience."

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Daddy Don't Go Movie Screening at 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference

Daddy Don't Go

pureland pictures partners 



Join Fathers & Families Coalition of America at our 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference as we host Pureland Pictures as part of a very special screening during our Opening Night Welcome Reception, Tuesday, February 28, 2017 open to all conference guests as you hear why the producers, directors and writers of this powerful documentary show the influence of father on a child's life. This is an emotional relaity of millions of children who's fathers never give up, regardless of life circumstances.

Event Location:

Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel
6101 West Century Boulevard. Los Angeles, CA 90045

18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference

Learn More Here 

Daddy Dont Go
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Improve Child Outcomes Through Fatherhood Programs Presented by Fathers & Families Coalition of America

The ultimate goal of Fathers & Families Coalition of America to improve outcomes for children. Which raises a question, "What are is needed to improve child wellbeing for children with parents who are living one crisis away from not reaching their best?" We have so many children under-reported not living with a father in their lives around the world. The conversation Fathers & Families Coalition of America brought leaders together to at our National Families and Fathers 17th Annual Conference, February 16, 2016. These leaders include:

Dr. Blanca Enríquez, Director, Office of Head Start - Washington, DC.

Dr. Aida Díaz de Rodríguez, President, Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico - San Juan, PR

Brigadier General Richard Noriega, President and CEO, AVANCE, Inc. - San Antonio, TX

Dr. Allan McCray, President, Life Impact – San Juan, PR & Phoenix, AZ

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We Have Failed Our Children-Now What Is Needed For Their Futures Presented By Fathers & Families Coalition of America

We Have Failed Our Children

 Now What Is Needed For Their Futures - Prevention, Intervention and Emerging Models

Presented By Fathers & Families Coalition of America 

The distinctive of Fathers & Families Coalition of America is the introduction of very important grounded principles. However, do we hold to principles, evidence based interventions, best practices or so dogmatic to serve people without a greater understanding that the models that were very impactful in 1980 may not transform the lives of others in 2016. We brought some of the finest experts to test each of us to improve services to children and families. The test to pass is how to take this information and expand your model that you are using today. Is the model holistic for today's family? Listen to these leaders and the revelations to increase your capacity. Holding to principles, models or restrictions from grants do they impact the people you serve? 

 National Families & Fathers 17th Annual Conference Featured Speakers                                                                                                                                                               Honorable Carlis V. Williams, Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and Families, Region IV Atlanta, GA                                                                                     Dr. Ginny Ehrlich, CEO, National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Washington, DC                                                                                                               Honorable Alisha Griffin, Director for the State of California Department of Child Support Services Sacramento, CA                                                                                                     Ms. Diann Dawson, JD., MSW, Senior Consultant Global Peace Foundation USA, Lanham, MD

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Parenting a Child Who Has Experienced Trauma | Featured Series at FFCA National Conference

Fathers and Families Coalition of America has advocated for increased program models to address the role of practitioners serving fathers to mitigate child abuse and neglect. During our National Families & Fathers 17th Annual Confernce we will host a series of workshops, plenary discussions and meetings with industry experts on trauma informed care practices and strategies to support professionals working with children and adults overcome adverse childhood experiences. Children’s Bureau/ACYF/ACF/HHS provided a 2014 Factsheet for Families that is relevant to raise awareness on why must develop strong practices and reduce the intergenerational impacts of trauma, "when parents do not have an understanding of the effects of trauma, they may misinterpret their child’s behavior and end up feeling frustrated or resentful. Their attempts to address troubling behavior may be ineffective or, in some cases, even harmful." Read More

A few of the sessions available to increase your understandings, skills and practices working with in-risk children, fathers and families through emerging models and evidence based practices. Join us at our National Families and Fathers 17th Annual Conference to help make a difference in the lives of children. Read More

Grow the Brain: A Trauma Care Program for Paraprofessionals by Dr. Carolyn Curtis

Picking Up the Broken Pieces by Carter Patterson and Marc Warren

Guided Principles for an Informed Trauma Practice by Dr. Dezette Johnson

Child BW 300x226

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