Father Engagement Strategies-Trauma Informed Care
Increasing the Wellness of Children
Special Series with Arizona State University & Chicago State University Professors
Human Trafficking and Exploitation Presentation
Administration for Children and Families Region 4
Be part of a powerful and transformational 2-days in Atlanta
Fathers & Families Coalition of America, a premiere source for continuous improvement training will have three experts to address issues in creating stronger families and building healthy communities. FFCA will introduce a trauma-informed system of care to attendees as part of the South-East Regional Institute in 45-days.
Did you know? According to the Administration for Children and Families, the rate of substantiated reports of child maltreatment in fiscal year 2015 was 9.2 per 1,000 children ages 0 through 17, with children under age 1 having the highest rate of 24.2 per 1,000 children. This should be a very big flag for those working in Early Head Start, Head Start, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health, Healthy Families, Healthy Mothers - Healthy Babies and other programs working with pregnant parents and parents of young children to ensure implementation of best practices as it relates to working with children, youth, families and community support.
Did you know? Members of Congress are developing The Children and Families Trauma Informed Care Act of 2017 that will have direct impact on federally funded agencies and singles out Head Start(42 USC 9835) to allot funding to ensure best practices are achieved.
Did you know? Federal elected officials and leaders are placing a focus on fathers & trauma informed care services...
"Support, including through skills building, parents (with an appropriate emphasis on fathers), foster parents, adult caregivers, and front-line service providers described in clause (I)(I) in fostering safe, stable, and nurturing environments and relationships that prevent and mitigate the effects of trauma for children and youth who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing trauma"
Join us on Friday, June 9th at Clark Atlanta University for a very powerful discussion and training to address the psychological, developmental, social, and emotional needs of children, youth, and families who have experienced trauma requires both skills and a passion to increase historical, cultural awareness with best practices and evidence based intervention strategies.
Speakers will share recommend best practices that are evidence-based, are evidence-informed, or are promising and practice-based, and that include guidelines for front-line service providers, teachers, providers from Head Start, child and family -serving organizations, health care providers, social workers and others in understanding the influences and identifying early signs and risk factors of trauma in children and youth, and their families.
Featured Speakers

Professor Edwin González-Santín,Director, Office of American Indian Projects, School of Social Work at Arizona State University
Professor Bakahia Madison, PsyD.,Chicago State University
A Special Presentation from Administration for Children and Families Region 4
"Human Trafficking: A Global Crisis"
These are just three (3) more in planned special talk presentations that will be part of the South-East Regional Healthy Families and Fathers Summer Institute - June 8th and 9th at one of America's historical universities on the campuse of Clark Atlanta University with collaborating partnerships with Administration for Children and Families, Clark Atlanta University, Alabama A&M University and Fathers & Families Coalition of America...
Read More About This Special Event and Register Today...Here
Early Rates Ending Soon!