Experts on Criminal Justice and Mentoring Programs
Special Series
Dr. Obie Clayton, Clark Atlanta Unveristy
Judge Arthur Burnett, Sr. National African American Drug Policy Coalition
Dr. Willie J. Greer Kimmons,Save Children Save Schools, Inc
Another powerful and transformational sereies for the 2-days in Atlanta
Join us on Friday, June 9th at Clark Atlanta University for a very powerful closing afternoon series with primere experts in the criminal justice, substance abuse, educational and mentoring as it relates to the involvement with fathers for healthier outcomes for children, parents, family-life and community wellness.
Featured Speakers

Obie Clayton, Ph.D., Asa Edmund Ware Chair, Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Clark Atlanta University. Dr. Clayton served as editor of the acclaimed book An American Dilemma Revisited: Race Relations in a Changing World, Obie Clayton, Jr. is best known for his service and research in examining race relations, urban inequality, demography and the family. From 2011 through 2013 he was the inaugural Hollowell Distinguished Professor of Social Justice and Civil Rights Studies at the University of Georgia. Before joining the School of Social Work, Clayton served as the director of sponsored programs and director of the Morehouse Research Institute at Morehouse College. Prior to that, he was chair and professor of the department of sociology at Morehouse College and executive director of the Morehouse Research Institute.
Obie’s interest in fatherhood dates back over 20 years when he first began investigating the effects of mass incarceration on family formation. His current research focuses on reentry and assisting fathers in adjusting to family life when they return home from prison. Additionally, Obie is working with fathers on ways to assist their children through non-financial means. Dr. Clayton has many publications with two selected Clayton, O. & Hopps, J. (2012). It’s Not All about Money: Non-Financial Ways Non-Custodial Parents Can Help Their Families (Tip Sheet). Fairfax, VA: National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families and Black Fathers in Contemporary American Society: Strength, Weaknesses, and Strategies for Change. eds. O. Clayton, R. Mincy and D. Blankenhorn. 2003. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Learn More here
Dr. Willie J. Greer Kimmons, Educational Consultant for Pre K-16 Schools; Title I Schools, Teachers and Parents; Motivational Speaker; Author; Former Classroom Teacher, Superintendent of Schools, College Professor, College President and Military Veteran. Dr. Willie J. Greer Kimmons was born in Hernando, MS and grew up in Memphis, TN. He is one of America’s leading authorities on education, leadership, parental involvement, and health related issues. He has given more than 500 presentations and lectures. He is a nationally recognized consultant, speaker, seminar leader, and author of seven books. His 5th book, A Parenting Guidebook, has sold more than 400,000 copies. The guidebook serves as a useful tool for parents, grandparents, teachers, schools, churches and community to help save our children and save our schools. The Foreword for his parenting guidebook was written by Dr. Greer Kimmons’ godmother, the late, great, Honorable Shirley Chisholm, former member of U.S. Congress. He is a former public school teacher, college professor, and dean and college president. Currently, he is serving as an Educational Consultant for Pre-K-16 schools, a Motivational Speaker and author.
Dr. Greer Kimmons serves as consultant in the areas of Title I programs; parental involvement; teacher and administrative training and management. He provides consultant services for public and private schools, two and four year colleges and universities, youth groups, parenting groups, Head Start programs, day care centers, civic and other community organizations throughout the country. Dr. Greer Kimmons’ Motto is …“Help Me to Help Somebody to Save Our Children, and Save Our Schools; Never, Ever, Give up on Our Children, Because Our Children are Our Greatest Resource; Our Children are an Extension of Us; and Our Children are Our Future.”

Hon. Arthur L. Burnett Sr., Judge (ret), CEO & Co-Founder, National African American Drug Policy Council, Washington, DC. National Civil RIghts Leader and The First African-American U.S. Magistrate Judge. In addition to being the first African-American U.S. magistrate judge, he has served in a number of leadership roles in the Federal Bar Association (FBA) over the years, including president of the District of Columbia Chapter. He is also a recipient of several national FBA awards. Judge Burnett has a unique perspective due to his involvement with civil rights in multiple ways throughout the course of his career. On Oct. 20, 2013, he celebrated his 55th anniversary as a member of the Bar of the District of Columbia (the D.C. Bar). The vote to desegregate the Bar Association of the District of Columbia occurred on Oct. 14, 1958, and less than a week later, Judge Burnett was one of two members of color admitted, thereby officially desegregating the volunteer bar, which had up until that point been limited to Caucasians. While African-Americans could be admitted to the Bar of the District of Columbia as lawyers, they had not, up to that point, been permitted to join the volunteer Bar Association of the District of Columbia, which was a separate organization from being admitted to practice law before the courts. In the fall of 1952, Judge Burnett began his college education at Howard University. He became Howard’s spokesperson to advocate for desegregation on the Adam Clayton Powell radio program, and it became his focus. He projected the message, “Persons should be judged by their abilities and the quality of their performance” during the year before the decision in Brown v. Board of Education
Judge Arthur Louis Burnett, Sr. is a historical figure who has long been a champion for equal rights for African Americans and the poor. During college and law school, he was an supporter of abolishing segregation in schools and in public life. He continued to promote equal rights during his 55 years as a lawyer, 40 of which he served as a judge. From 1961 to 1964, he worked in the Department of Justice with Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to promote equality and fairness in our criminal justice system. In 1968, he served as legal advisor to the Metropolitan Police Department in the District of Columbia to ensure they complied with the law and respected the rights of people of color. When Judge Burnett became the first African-American to hold the position of United States Magistrate Judge in 1969, he worked to reform bail practices and preliminary hearings and to promote judicial education to bring about equality in the treatment to all persons appearing in the federal court system. He went on to become a general jurisdiction court judge and set an example of model court operation in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for 17 years. Judge Burnett is currently the national executive director of the National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc. (NAADPC) one of many Affiliates of Fathers & Families Coalition of America. NAADPC is one of the many objectives of the NAADPC is to restore equity to the criminal justice system by addressing the disproportional adverse effect of drug law enforcement on people of color and the poor.
Join us for the special presentation from iconic leaders in justice and education.....
One-Day Registration Starts at $69.00...Learn More here
Additional Sessions on Friday, June 9th Include:
Human Trafficking: A Global Crisis
Father Engagement Strategies-Trauma Informed Care
Engaging Dads & Children Living Homeless in the U.S.
These are just three (3) more in planned special talk presentations that will be part of the South-East Regional Healthy Families and Fathers Summer Institute - June 8th and 9th at one of America's historical universities on the campuse of Clark Atlanta University with collaborating partnerships with Administration for Children and Families, Clark Atlanta University, Alabama A&M University and Fathers & Families Coalition of America...
Read More About This Special Event and Register Today...
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