Fathers & Families Coalition of America is honored to collaborate with the Fatherhood Research & Practice Network to advance effective and emerging models that improve outcomes for children, communities and parents. The FRPN has issued their third request for proposals (RFP). This RFP is intended to support exploratory and descriptive research that will provide insights into previously unstudied or understudied areas. They expect to make three to six awards of approximately $20,000 to $50,000.
Proposed studies should consider innovative programs or interventions related to coparenting, employment and economic security, and/or father engagement and effective parenting for low-income fathers. Such studies might include, but would not be limited to:
- How fatherhood programming can operate effectively and efficiently in rural settings;
- The use of cognitive behavioral therapy approaches in fatherhood programming;
- How to engage mothers for coparenting interventions;
- Interventions to strengthen parenting time with never-married populations;
- The use of smartphones or other technology for data collection;
- Text messages to promote positive father engagement/behaviors;
- Fatherhood programming for specific populations, including Latinos, Native Americans, teen fathers, immigrant fathers and others; or
- Integrating fatherhood programming into batterer treatment or integrating violence education and prevention into fatherhood programming.
Learn more about this outstanding opportunity here and or contact the staff at the here
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