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FFCA has archived hundreds of policy, research, event, and call to action posts. Call us at +1-424-225-1323 or email
Standing Up for Justice
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Together, Let us Weave A New Fabric for Change! As a country in 1526, the first subjugated Africans (100) brought to the now Carolinas. At the same time, there were an estimated 17 to 20 million First Nation tribal members through this nation and over 60 million in the Americas. In 2020, there are an estimated 45 million African-Americans, and ther
Mental Health Awareness Women2Women Community Café A Virtual and Global Gathering
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#InThisTogetherFathersandFamiliesCoalitionofAmerica Coronavirus has both illuminated crises for individuals, families, institutions, and the world, while it has also opened opportunities for us to nurture ourselves, heal, and ready ourselves to level up to whatever is next. Join us Saturday, May 30, 2020, as Dr. Cio Hernandez shares how to listen t
Mental Health Awareness Month Guest Speaker Dr. Jorge Partida Del Toro
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May 28, 2020 @ 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM PDTOnline MAY GUEST FIRESIDE CHAT CONVERSATION FEATURES Dr. JORGE PARTIDA DEL TORO Fathers & Families Coalition of America has traveled globally, bringing people to our in-person and FFCA Live events. However, our Café Networking Programs brings a breadth of resources and experts to people. Imagine, you can j
Advanced Practitioner Credential Summer Online Course
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  Advanced Practitioner Credential Summer Online Course 6/16/20 @9:00 AM-12:30 PM PDT 6/18/20 @9:00 AM-12:30 PM PDT 6/23/20 @9:00 AM-12:30 PM PDT Online Did you know the number of children in foster care in America has increased by at least 10% from 2018 to 2019?  Despite child welfare's efforts to prevent the removal of ch
Women2Women April Community Café - Dealing with Adversity and Helping Children and Parents Overcome Trauma
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Fathers and Families Coalition of America introduces two exceptional monthly café conversations that focus on positive change as well as finding a cause bigger than self. We host three café programs that were born out of advancing coalition building. Our meetings promote community-based interventions, research, and build community-wide aw
New Café Networking Program - April 30th - Men2Men Monthly Community Café Overcoming Adversity
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Fathers and Families Coalition of America introduces two exceptional monthly café conversations that focus on positive change as well as finding a cause bigger than self. We host three café programs that were born out of advancing coalition building. Our meetings promote community-based interventions, research, and build community-wide awareness of
Virtual Advanced Practitioner Credential April Classes April 16, 2020 - April 17, 2020 Online
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Dear FFCA community: FFCA will use a realtime video class that is accessible for all attendees for an exceptional learning experience. The course is very interactive, requiring approx. 4-5 hours a day with three on-demand (playback) sessions that attendees will be expected to participate fully. This rigorous, highly interactive online course is des
Administration for Children and Families Assistant Secretary Interview at Fathers & Families Coalition of America Conference
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The Alvin Galloway Show Special Series - 21st Annual Families and Fathers Conference, February 24-27, 2020, in Los Angeles, California, featured Assistant Secretary Lynn A. Johnson, and Director Clarence H. Carter, hosted by the Fathers and Families Coalition of America (FFCA). We extend a heartfelt sense of gratitude to Assistant Se
Social Work Month and Fathers and Families Coalition of America Making A Difference
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#socialworkmonth #fathersandfamiliescoalitionofamerica Are you the change you wish to see in the world? March 2020, has certainly taken on new challenges globally but a time of reflection. I write this note to share a few points moving forward during a glance int he rearview mirror of life and purpose. I wanted to become a social worker as a teenag
Free Online Introduction Advanced Practitioner Credential program - Friday, March 13th
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  Dear FFCA community: Tomorrow, we have our first online class from our most recent Advanced Practitioner Credential program offered at the 21st Annual Families and Fathers Conference last month. Our 8th edition of this program updated to ensure expanded learning concepts, skills, and activities replicable working with individuals and gr