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FFCA has archived hundreds of policy, research, event, and call to action posts. Call us at +1-424-225-1323 or email
Getting The Most Out Of Healthy Relationships
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Healthy RelationshipsGetting The Most Out Of Healthy Relationships John Van Epp, Ph.D., 25 January 2023 MY MISSIONJOHN VAN EPP, PH.D. I believe that the greatest joys of life and some of our deepest sorrows often flow from our relationships. My counseling career extended over thirty years, most of it while running my private practice in northern Oh
End of Year Celebration Men2Men and Women2Women Cafe - Saturday
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We are inviting you to join us for an end-of-year celebration. If you had a tough time in 2022, maybe losses of family, friends, or challenges of adversity. Could you consider taking one-hour for you to be replenished? We are inviting you to the Men2Men Cafe and Women2Women Cafe programs'  last cafe session for 2022 with a time of joy and laughter.
Leadership Institute Overview
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August 5, 2022 starting at 7:30 AM and ending at 8:30 AM PDT Zoom Meeting  I am honored to share the OAR Leadership Institute with my co-host, Dr. Aida Diaz, former President of Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico, and our organization's new Vice President, on October 4-6, 2022, at the University of Puerto Rico. I am inviting you to an overv
Learn and Help Others - Summer 2022 Advanced Practitioner Credential Course
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Advanced Practitioner Credential Program 2022 Friends & Colleagues,  I was introduced to social work, counseling, youth development services, volunteerism, and more in 1989. I was just two months shy of six years of active duty services in the armed forces when I because a counselor. I was, as they say, "raw" with no experience (academical
National Policy Conversation on The Lives of Children and Families
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National Fireside ConversationJune 15, 20222:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard TimeLive Virtual Session FFCA hosts annual policy-focused sessions and a series during our now internationally attended conference. Attendees from professional fields such as child welfare, early childhood, marriage and family therapists, social work, criminal justic
Great News a 50% Discount Off Conference Registration for 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference
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I am sharing great news! Collaboration is a benefit for many stakeholders. In 2022, we have confirmed support for the 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference, as of yesterday, from the following: The Annie E. Casey FoundationFirst 5 CaliforniaLaw Offices of Jeffery M. LevingNurturing Fathers Program The support allows giving a LIMITED amou
DiSC Free Training for December 18th Cafe Session
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LIVING YOUR LEGACY END OF YEAR CAFÉ FIRESIDE CHAT Join us on Saturday, December 18th 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. California Time Virtual Men2Men and Women2Women Café The café will be fun, insightful, and empowering!Join Zoom Meeting We have provided free DISC personali
December 17th Fireside Conversation
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CAFÉ FIRESIDE CHATFriday, December 17@ 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard TimeOverview of the 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference We have some great plans to complete our conference planning, add some special speakers, and more. Two (2) giveaways will take place during the Zoom Conversation. One person will be given a FREE conference regis
Save Up to 30% Off Registration Fees and Join Our Special Faculty - 23rd Annual Families and Fathers National Conference
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  Featured Speaker & Special Discounts Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to announce one of our featured speakers, Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD. We have hosted thousands of faculty members over the past 20+ years. Join us in 2022 as we are thrilled to have Dr. Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD, an expert helping parents navigat
Leadership Institute 2021
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The O.A.R. Leadership Institute was created with the mindset that nonprofit, social work, marriage and family, early childhood, and other professionals often do not get training programs for their personal and professional development centered on leadership. Fathers and Families Coalition of America invites you to enroll, now invest into yourself w