Nurturing Fathers Program Training of Trainers - October 4th & 5th in Sarasota, Florida
Mark Perlman, Nurturing Father’s Program (NFP) author and trainer, will host this training workshop for men and women from around the country who want recognition as providers of facilitation, training, and consultation for this successful program. Join this unique gathering of inspired parenting, fathering, and family advocates as we learn, laugh, grow and celebrate together, and build a national network of NFP Facilitator and Consultant / Trainers. Consultant / Trainers will receive a certificate of recognition which authorizes them to present NFP Facilitator Training and receive a 10% discount on materials.
Visit the Nurturing Fathers Website Here
Become a Facilitator and Recognized Consultant / Trainer for:
The Nurturing Father's Program, (NFP)
Day I Thursday, October 4, 2018
FATHERING is one of the most important jobs we do!
Facilitator’s Manual
Now available in Spanish!
Ahora disponible en el Español
The Nurturing Father’s Program is a 13-week group-based program for developing attitudes and skills for male nurturance.
Day II Friday, October 5, 2018
Early Registration Before September 15, 2018, / After September 15, 2018
2 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . $495 . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $550
For hotel reservations call: Courtyard Marriot 1-941-355-3337
850 University Parkway, Sarasota, FL 34234
(across from Sarasota /Bradenton Airport) (Mention Nurturing Fathers Group Rate)
Conference Rate*: $134.00
*A limited number of rooms have been set aside at this rate if reservations are made before Sept. 12, 2018
For additional information: 941- 321-8048 (cell) or 941- 953-9556 -
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Registration Form [Please Print]
The Nurturing Father’s Program Facilitation and Consultant/Trainer Workshop
For early registration rate, form with payment must be received by September 15, 2018
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip:________________________
Phone: (____)_________________Fax: (____)___________________E-mail:_____________________________
Payment: [ ] Check enclosed: (Make payable to: Center for Growth and Development, Inc.)
[ ] Credit card: (circle one) Visa / Master Card / American Express
Account #________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____/_____/______
Security code_______________
Signature ___________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/______
MAIL registration form with payment to Nurturing Father’s Program
3277D Fruitville Rd. #1
Sarasota, FL 34237
FAX registration form with credit card # to: (941) 953-9552