By Super User on Saturday, 01 April 2017
Category: News

Fathers & Families Coalition of America National Affiliates of the Year andMore

2017,  we honor FFCA Affiliates   Paradise of Vista California, Fathers Support Center of St. Louis as model agencies  at our 18th Annual National Families and Fathers Conference.  We are sharing our eMagazine featuring some of the greatest leaders with Halbert Sullivan, CEO of Fathers Support Center, Julie Lowen CEO of Children’s Paradise and Karen Andrade Mims CEO of UIH Family Partners. We are honored to have featured articles on healthy marriages from Dr. Jacqueline Del Rosario, CEO of ReCapturing the Vision a Miami FFCA Affiliate. Dr. Allen McCray, CEO of Life Impact a Puerto Rico FFCA Affiliate, Bishop Henry Hearns, Dr. Dezette Johnson. Additional featured interviews from Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr.and Bishop George Dallas McKinney provide inspriational stories on leadership, parenting, marriage and service.

If you are interested joining Fathers & Families Coalition of America as an affiliate learn more here..