Putting Youth Relationship Education
on the Child Welfare Agenda:
Findings from Research and Evaluation
Fathers & Families Coalition of Ameica Berkley, California Affiliate, The Dibble Institue is hosting a critical webinar for professionals and parents who share a passion to change the increased impacts from trauma and adverse childhood experiences that require child welfare systems with responsive, evidence based and emergining intervention strategies.
Relationships are important in helping youth achieve their goals and a successful transition into adulthood. Having the skills to manage healthy relationships can make a difference as youth make decisions related to school, employment, and pregnancy prevention. These skills may be especially important for youth involved in or aging out of the child welfare system.
This webinar will provide participants with a better understanding of the importance of healthy relationships for youth in foster care. This webinar also will summarize current research and evaluation evidence on relationship education for youth in foster care.
At the end of this webinar, participants will learn:
Why healthy relationships matter for youth in foster careWhat types of programs focus on healthy relationships for youth in foster careKey program elements that are critical for successfully improving relationship skills among vulnerable youth
Presenters: Mindy E. Scott, Ph.D., Deputy Program Area Director and Senior Research Scientist; April Wilson, Ph.D., Research Scientist with Child Trends
Who should attend:
Youth-serving program staff and administrators in the fields of child welfare, healthy relationships, pregnancy prevention, youth development; researchers working on issues related to adolescents, policy makers, funders, grant managers and writers.
When: Wednesday, May 11, 4:00 pm Eastern/1:00 pm Pacific
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: Free!
Register NOW!by clicking on this link.