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FFCA has archived hundreds of policy, research, event, and call to action posts. Call us at +1-424-225-1323 or email
Influence of Cultural Values on Responsible Fatherhood Presented by Fathers & Families Coalition of America
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Mexican-origin families are disproportionately exposed to sociocultural contextual stressors. However, how these stressors impact family processes, including parenting and marital relationship quality, remain unclear. In this workshop, we will examine culturally specific risks and strengths for family process pathways to be able to pinpoint key inf
Sesame Street and Autism: Webinars
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Fathers & Families Coalition of America is proud to share the efforts that Sesame Street is engaged for educators and providers supporting children and families with an autistic child These are  FREEwebinars on the Sesame Street andAutism: See Amazing in All Childreninitiative! In the weeksleading up to Autism Awareness Month in April, we
Improve Child Outcomes Through Fatherhood Programs Presented by Fathers & Families Coalition of America
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The ultimate goal of Fathers & Families Coalition of America to improve outcomes for children. Which raises a question, "What are is needed to improve child wellbeing for children with parents who are living one crisis away from not reaching their best?" We have so many children under-reported not living with a father in their lives around the
National Awards 2016 Gallery
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  Fathers & Families Coalition of America is honored to share our gallery from the Dr. Ramon & Dr, Yolanda Nieves Family Affair Red Tie Red Dress Annual Gala at our National Families and Fathers 17th Annual Conference, February 18, 2016 in Los Angeles. The Honorable Danny K. Davis, U.S. Congressman of the State of Illinois 7th District
We Have Failed Our Children-Now What Is Needed For Their Futures Presented By Fathers & Families Coalition of America
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We Have Failed Our Children  Now What Is Needed For Their Futures - Prevention, Intervention and Emerging Models Presented By Fathers & Families Coalition of America  The distinctive of Fathers & Families Coalition of America is the introduction of very important grounded principles. However, do we hold to principles, evidenc
Poverty & Disparities Impacting Family Life, Children and Healthy Communities
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Fathers & Families Coalition of America is committed as one of our priorities to address the elimination of poverty in America and globally. We facilitated a release of two 2015 winter briefs on the Elimination of Poverty. In 2016, we will go to Jamaica to support the overwhelming homes in poverty. Throughout the United States, the growing casc
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Fathers & Families Coalition of America is committed to the elimination of poverty world-wide. We share a fantastic new partnership led by The Urban Instite to make a difference in the lives of all Americans, not just those in poverty A partnership  made up of a group of 24 leading experts, advocates and academics from across the coun
Parenting a Child Who Has Experienced Trauma | Featured Series at FFCA National Conference
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Fathers and Families Coalition of America has advocated for increased program models to address the role of practitioners serving fathers to mitigate child abuse and neglect. During our National Families & Fathers 17th Annual Confernce we will host a series of workshops, plenary discussions and meetings with industry experts on trauma informed
National Awards:Special Presentation by Congressman Danny K. Davis
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Annual Red Tie/Red Dress Family Affair Gala 2-18-2016 Los Angeles, California  Join us for the our National Gala & Awards at the Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel February 18th starting at 6:30p.m. for this Red Tie/Red Dress National Awards Gala as we honor others and a night of inspiration! U.S. Congressman, Danny K. Davis, Seventh District for
Finding Purpose|When a Dad Makes a Difference
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When a Dad Makes a Difference Father & Son Finding A Cause Bigger Than Self Fathers & Families Coalition of America would like to introduce a story of a young man who has found his purpose... Pauly Avila has found his core as an effective young man affecting the lives of homeless in Los Angeles' infamous, Skid Row. He is healing others and