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Creating Victories Through Purpose

Valuing All People: Building Bridges of Generations With Purpose

Nurturing Fathers Program, Fathers and Families Coalition of America, Fatherhood Practitioners, Health, Psychology, Social Work, Early Childhood, Head Start, Educators, Family Studies, Professional Development, Credentialing, Head Start Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework

Dr. James C. Rodríguez, M​​SW
President & Chief Executive Officer
Fathers and Families Coalition of America

What personal victories have you celebrated this week? Reflect on your achievements, big or small, and share them with us. Remember, we're all on this journey of self-improvement together, and your victories, no matter how small, inspire us all. 

Purpose is not just a concept; it's the very essence of our existence. Yet, many of us struggle to find true fulfillment, happiness, orjoy in this pursuit. But remember countless resources, from books to philosophers, offer guidance, such as the concept of 'ikigai' for a longer, happier life, or Viktor Frankl's 'Man's Search for Meaning,' which directly addresses the search for meaning and helps to foster self-worth, nurturance, and modeling for generations. This potential for personal growth and fulfillment is within our reach. 

multigenerational family

In January 2024, I had the amazing opportunity to sit with two generations of dads. These fathers are special because they are also father and son, Mark and Corey Perlman. Mark is the founder and author of the Nurturing Fathers Program; more importantly, it is his ikigai...he found his meaning in life and to help others. Their story is a testament to the power of finding one's purpose and the impact it can have on others. 

I invite you to enjoy the podcast led by Corey and Mark, as I was invited as a guest to share our insights into social work as professional social workers. 

Dr. James Rodriguez joins Mark and Corey to discuss his alignment with The Nurturing Father's Program, his own story into social work, and the upcoming International Families and Father's Conference this April 2024 and join the 26th International Families and Fathers Conference, April 2025!


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