Dr. Dezette C. Johnson, MSW
Faculty and Counseling Team
Dr. Dezette C. Johnson, Ph.D. (she/her) is a clinical social worker in Charlotte, North Carolina, and part of the faculty, coaching, and counseling team of the Fathers and Families Coalition of America. As a clinical social worker, she may specialize in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety, in addition to other conditions. For new and existing patients, please see recommendations on scheduling an appointment with Dr. Johnson online. In 2011, the Fathers and Families Coalition of America established formal pathways to join as one of our certified faculty members. Dr. Johnson began her tenure as an Instructional Council Member for the Fatherhood Practitioner Healthy Relationship Educator Certificate Program. We are honored to have Dr. Johnson currently serve as an adjunct faculty member in the Advance Practitioner Program as well as a member of our coaching and counseling team.
Dr. Dezette Johnson is an Associate Professor of Social Work and Director of Field Education at Johnson C. Smith University. She graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelor of Social Work; and a Master of Social Work from the Ethelyn R. Strong School of Social Work at Norfolk State University. Dr. Johnson also earned a Ph.D. in Social Work from the Ethelyn R. Strong School of Social Work at Norfolk State University. Her dissertation, “A Descriptive Study of Ecological Risk Factors Relationship to the Occurrence of Violence in Dating Relationships Among African-American Teens,” served as a catalyst for understanding relationship dynamics in African- American teen relationships. Her research interests are teen dating violence, trauma recovery, program evaluation, and complementary alternative modalities. Dr. Johnson has been awarded various grants in gerontology, technology, community engagement, and domestic violence.
Dr. Johnson. is a professional speaker, trainer, and consultant. She provides training and consulting to groups, churches, organizations, and corporations in domestic violence, cultural competency, women’s issues, professional development, relationship dynamics, and trauma recovery. Dr. Johnson is a clinical social worker specializing in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety, relationship issues, personal development, women’s issues, and domestic violence. Dr. Johnson assists clients in healing through the use of complementary modalities, brain exercises, cognitive behavior therapy, and narrative therapy. For new and existing patients, please see recommendations on scheduling an appointment with Dr. Johnson online through the contact us tab.
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Social Work, December 2006
Norfolk State University – Norfolk, Virginia
Dissertation: “A Descriptive Study of Ecological Risk Factors Relationship to the Occurrence of Violence in Dating Relationships Among African-American Teens
M.S.W. Social Work, May 1990
Norfolk State University – Norfolk, Virginia
B.S.W. Social Work, December 1987
East Carolina University – Greenville, N.C.
Domestic Violence Human Behavior Program Evaluation School Social Work Financial Social Work Aging
Field Education Health Coaching
Department of Social Work, August 2003 – Present Associate Professor(Tenured)
Director of Field Education (August 2003- July 2013)
Department Chair (August 2007-August 2010)
Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N.C.
- Field Director/Field Seminar
- Introduction to Social Work
- Social Work With Groups and Families
- Human Behavior and the Social Environment Across the Lifespan
- Social Work Practice (Micro and Macro)
- Social Welfare Policy
- Gerontology
- Domestic Violence Across the Life Span
- Financial Social Work
School of Social Work, August 1999- May 2002
Adjunct Faculty, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia
Courses Taught:
- Human Behavior and the Social Environment
- Field Education – MSW Level
Pathways to Employment, Summer 1999
Instructor, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, N.C.
- GED and Life Skill Classes
Department of Social Work, January 1997 – Spring 1999
Adjunct Faculty, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, N.C
Courses Taught:
- Introduction to Social Work
- Social Work in the Schools
Certified School Social Worker, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Charlotte, N.C., August 1994 – August 1999, August 2002 – to August 2003. Devised and implemented interventions for students, families, and school administrators to prevent/alleviate problems that interfere with the task of learning. Provided individual, group, and family counseling regarding emotional, social, and academic issues. The model is primarily used as Brief Solution Focused. Wrote and administered several grants for programs to promote student academic success. Won Top Ten Award for parent involvement three years in a row. Organized charter chapter of Briarwood’s Elementary Grandparents Club. The charter club consisted of twenty members. Supervised BSW students from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Certified School Social Worker, Norfolk Public Schools, Norfolk, Virginia, July 1991 – July 1994. Certified School Social Worker/ Special Education- Pupil Services Internship, Newport News, Virginia, August 1989 – May 1990. Member of an interdisciplinary team responsible for assessing children for special education services. Composed and presented social history cases in eligibility meetings. Conducted home visits relating to academic and attendance concerns of students. Conducted individual and group therapy with students using a comprehensive approach to social work models. Chairperson for the annual Parenting Expo 1993, 1994. Acquired presenters, exhibitors, refreshments, and door prizes.
October 2010- Department of Justice: Violence Against Women on Campus –
Present Principal Investigator – $300,000.00 (Three-Year Grant)
June 2008 John Hartford Foundation: Geriatric Curriculum Development Institute Grant – Principal Investigator- $5,000.00 (Three Year Grant)
August 2005 Department of Justice: Violence Against Women on Campus –
Co-Investigator – $300,000.00 (Three-Year Grant)
This study aimed to examine Perceptions of Cultural Competence and Effectiveness Among School Social Workers – Principal Investigator – $5,000.00 (Two Year Grant)
June 2004 Boston University: Institute for Geriatric Social Work Training Grant –Principal Investigator –before entering)
January 2004 Johnson C. Smith University: FAPT Technology Grant – Principal Investigator – $1,000.00 (One Year Grant)
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Bivens, N., Bledsoe-Gardner. A., Johnson, D., (2014) Back to the Basics: Innovative Strategies to Prepare Traditional and Adult Learners in the Social Sciences for 21st Century Workforce, Network: A Journal of Faculty Development, Fall.
Johnson, D. (2013) Money, Money, Money: The Socialization of Financial Literacy, Network: A Journal of Faculty Development, Fall.
Johnson, D. (2011) Readiness for Field: What Do Field Instructors Think The Field Educator 1(1).
Book Chapter
Johnson, D.(2009). Saying Goodbye: Knowing When to Leave A Relationship. In L.E. Eastman, (Eds.), Remove the Mask! Living An Authentic Life, ( pp. 187-199). Prospect, Ky.: Professional Woman.
Other Publications
Johnson, D. (2012) Healthy Relationships. In National Fatherhood Practitioner Healthy Relationship Educator Certificate Curriculum, Father & Families Coalition of America’s. Phoenix, Arizona.
Current Research Studies:
Kulkarni, S., & Johnson, D. Healthy Relationship Experiences Study. The aim of this study is to understand how people think about relationships and what community members can do to support healthy relationships.
Johnson, D. Money, Money, Money: The Socialization of Financial Literacy and the Development of Financial Capability. This study is a continuation of an earlier study. The study aims to assess the socialization of money practices, current money practices, and financial capability.
Past Research Studies:
Johnson, D. (2013) Money, Money, Money: The Socialization of Financial Literacy, This pilot study aimed to understand the socialization of money and its effects on money practices.
Johnson, D. (2012) Saving the Elderly: Preventing Abuse in Later Life. This study aimed to examine the risk and protective factors of elder abuse through the lens of older adults.
Johnson, D. (2011) Readiness for Field: What Do Field Instructors Think? The aim of this research was to investigate five readiness skills found by BSW field instructors of BSW students prior to them entering into their field placement.
Evaluation Consultant
Mecklenburg Domestic Violence Advisory Board
October 2013
- Developed and administered a survey (SNAPSHOT Survey) to gather data about domestic violence services rendered at domestic violence agencies on a designated day in Mecklenburg County.
Evaluation Consultant
FORESITE Leadership
July 2012
- Analyzed data from Empowerment University: Foster Parent and Guardian ad Litem Training Sessions.

Faculty and Counseling Team