By Super User on Monday, 15 April 2019
Category: News

Thursday, May 9th National Open Meeting: A Unified Voice for Fatherhood Initiatives

Social Policy

Fathers and Families Coalition of America, we address issues essential to the well-being of our nation’s children and families through family engagement, building healthy communities and at the core, policies that support parents, not just dads but all parents.

Join Us Second Policy & Call to Action Meeting

Fathers and Families Coalition of America, with national peers, have set a tentative schedule for Thursday, May 9th, as we discuss particular models that have successfully developed statewide efforts inclusive government at all state, county, municipality levels. How to examine the attached strings" to avoid thwarted efforts of a commission/coalition/network? How to build networks/commissions/coalitions with the active and leading voices from key leaders such as: Grassroots entities, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, the private sector, social networks, e.g., rotary, current associations such as and not limited to state-wide associations of child welfare, Head Start, child support, behavioral health agencies, social workers (NASW local), etc., education, and practitioners? How can we start interconnecting with the current states with colleagues who signed up?

The goals for Thursday, May 9th include:  (1) Continued expansion of requested information, (2) Initiate a system of communication (3) Define key stakeholders in each state-local potential team to form a narrowed group and messaging, (4) What efforts could we engage with the policy leaders  in the current fiscal year? This is an open opportunity for leaders who want to strive for excellence in strengthening families initiatives. 

Interested? You must RSVP by signing up by Wednesday, May 8th close of business 

Those who are registered will have full access to participate vs. a listening only option.
Thursday, May 9th
1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Noon Central Standard Time
11:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time
10: 00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time


25 April 2019


Scott Leach, Director of Fatherhood Initiatives
Community Action Program (CAP)
NYC Department of Youth and Community Development
2 Lafayette Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10007
T: (646) 343-6424
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In 1996, when FFCA was established, we drew upon a coalition-building model that each agency was interdependent to focus on social policy/justice, professional development, and support for each member of an “advisory council” that grew to a call for FFCA in 2004 to assume a national call to action. I  have asked a few colleagues to facilitate this meeting in a mutual call to action. 

Join us on 25 April, as FFCA will convene an open initial planning meeting as a critical jump-start towards a national advisory council of independent leaders from all states and territories of the United States in an agreed timeline with the focus of expanding a unified voice of fatherhood initiatives.  FFCA is requesting all of our affiliates from over 30 states and abroad as well as other community stakeholders, to join in with an open agenda based on how we can collectively come together with or without a membership status in FFCA to advance a unified voice on fatherhood initiatives with stakeholders’ mutual and essential envision in necessary to create a voice towards social policy/justice, access to research, and augment the continuous improvement of local practitioners. The center point of this goal is the development of a unified voice on fatherhood.  Please make time April 25th from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to be part of the process capturing the collective visions with a goal of the planning process from your feedback to what is needed for a unified voice locally, state, regionally, nationally and with our international community leaders.

  1. What is the Meaning for a State Fatherhood Agenda?
  2. What is the Purpose of State Fatherhood Agenda?
  3. How is the Time Together Searching for National Movement for a Unified Voice?
  4. Creating timelines with a key point of contact per state (minimum)?
  5. When can we take the next steps?


Helping to Facilitate the  "Purpose of State Entities, Meaning of State Entities, and Process to ProceedI have asked four peers to augment the strategic section with all of the attendees having a voice to move forward.


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In Service,

Fathers & Families Coalition of America
424-225-1323 [direct line]


221 Main Street, Suite 106, Vista, California 92083

335 E. Albertoni Street, Suite 200-430, Carson, California 90746

Mailing Only

5045 W. Baseline Rd. Suite 105-216, Laveen, Arizona 85339