State Planning Mini-Grants on Fatherhood
The FRPN plans to issue up to 12, $10,000 grants to support state planning projects to develop, augment or sustain initiatives to promote father inclusion in policies and practices in state agencies, departments, and programs that serve families. Awards to a single administering agency such as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, a state or local government agency, a public or private university or a research organization. We will accept applications (one per state) on a rolling basis through December 31, 2018.

Planning groups must include the State Child Support (IV-D) director or his/her designee, a researcher with a focus on fatherhood or family policy and at least one other high-level state official.

Download the application. Please direct any questions to Jessica Pearson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More information about this funding opportunity and the benefits of state-level initiatives to engage fathers from the National Child Support Enforcement Association (here).