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20th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference,
March 4-7, 2019, at the Hilton LAX Hotel
Los Angeles, California
Learn More:
The 20th Annual Families and Fathers Conference offers to staff and community partnerships require professional development to enhance the engaging evidence-based to promising practices working with fathers. Community programs and your partnerships can leverage the 20th Annual Families and Fathers Conference many of the selected faculty are available to support and enhance a competent, skilled, and professional child welfare, Head Start, Fatherhood Practitioner, and other Child & Family Services workforce with workshops, featured speakers, and advanced training seminars for practitioners.
Dr. Rosina McAlpine, of Australia, is one of the many dynamic speakers to support attendees to go beyond providing services and go towards transformational and best-practices. Join Dr. McAlpine at 20th Annual Families and Fathers Conference with superior faculty teaching appropriate practice working with fathers and improving important child and parent outcomes, such as mental health, substance abuse, and child safety and well-being for practitioners working with parents of young children, children, mothers, and fathers.
How children learn and thrive: swapping discipline with empathy and education
When it comes to deciding how best to raise children or to manage classroom behavior effectively, discipline is a controversial topic. There are many, and varied approaches parents, carers, teachers and childcare workers use to discipline children in their care including verbal reprimands, time out, spanking and employing a variety of rewards and punishments like taking a child’s access to technology away! Now that is a punishment many parents apply to have control and children hate and fear!
Approaches from the past
In many cases teachers, carers and parents do what was done to them as children, in other instances some teachers, carers, and parents choose to do the exact opposite – not wanting to treat children as they were treated. What approach do you use as a parent or professional working with children? The key is to reflect and to consider whether your approach to discipline is the best way to raise happy, healthy and well-balanced children. And if so, which forms of discipline are best? What does discipline mean? The definition of discipline from the online dictionary: "The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience." The online example used to give it the word 'discipline' context is:
"a lack of proper parental and school discipline." and the synonyms include: control, regulation, direction, order, authority, rule, strictness, a firm hand
What outcomes do we want for the next generation?
Hmmm? Is this what education, child development, and parenting are about - control, authority, and strictness? This approach tends to focus our children on external rewards and punishments to direct their behaviors and decision making, so it doesn’t adequately support children to develop their internal compass and develop skills and knowledge of how to be in the world. Child development and parenting are about nurturing and educating our children to develop life skills like healthy self-esteem, conflict resolution skills, empathy, respect for self and others so our children can become the best they can be for themselves, their families and their communities.
Thriving Families Through Connection and Life Skill Education
I’m looking forward to facilitating a workshop at the upcoming 20th Annual Families and Fathers Conference in Los Angeles, California, March 5-7th, 2019. Please join me at the workshop to learn practical strategies to support children of all. ages to develop the lie skills they need to succeed in life. The workshop will explore:
1. The impacts and harms of harsh discipline on children and relationships.
2. The positive effects and benefits of empathy and connection for healthy families.
3. How to move away from, discipline and punishment approach to an approach based on empathy and life skills education for parents and educators.
4. Some of the many life skills that help children become caring, balanced and capable social citizens.
Looking forward to meeting you at the conference
Dr. Rosina McAlpine
Founder and CEO
Win Win Parenting, Inc.
Sydney, Australia