19th Annual Families and Fathers National 2018 Conference
February 19-23, 2018,
Los Angeles Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel
6101 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90045 

Conference Program Here
Discounted Hotel Room Reservation Rates Here
Conference Speakers Biographies  Here
Conference Goals and Impacts Here 

Early-bird Conference Registration Here


Join your colleagues and FFCA as we come together for the 19th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference-Greater Purpose from Monday, February 19 - Friday, February 23, 2018. Our main conference days (20-22) will have special sessions to support the professional development of Head Start and Early Head Start Staff with an opportunity for a 10% In-kind Discount offered by FFCA.

Started through a Head Start agency with a grassroots passion to help young mothers and fathers, Fathers & Families Coalition of America was created. Today, the FFCA has served over 20 years as a champion to strengthen families, increase children's wellness and advance the needs of professionals and organizations. Our conference goals and projected impacts assist Head Start Agencies with federal performance standards to engage parents in the classroom and with effective family-father engagement strategies. The 19th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference is rooted in evidence-based interventions and best practice strategies in Family and Community Engagement designed to integrate father engagement and learn how to enhance or develop.

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Social Workers and NASW promote specialty programs and credentialing for those who want recognition for their professional achievements and who want to unlock new career paths. Fathers & Families Coalition of America has several programs that have foundational frameworks of social work as part of our ongoing training. We are excited about the Credentialing, Certificates and Curriculum Training offered at our 19th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference with several National Registry Evidence-Based Practices and Programs highlighted by Seeking Safety. Moreover, FFCA has developed an exceptional credential base that is driven to surpass the Council of Social Work Education Community Based Education Nine (9) Competencies. FFCA is listed on NASW's programming events as one of the professional development sources to support the ongoing development of best practices for social workers and child welfare professionals. If you are part of NASW in any state, FFCA has a limited 10% discount.  

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Perinatal and Early Childhood Education Community Providers: We have a longstanding goal to improve the quality of childhood outcomes, from birth, through effective paternal involvement. FFCA has designed a series of sessions and selection of experts to focus on father engagement from in every part of maternal and child and early childhood providers. Our conference offers many ideas for implementing father engagement strategies across systems and services as a part of your everyday work and with our commitment to 0-5 professionals, we have a special limited discounted rate for entities e.g., First 5, NAEYC, NBCDI, NHSA and others seeking to improve the wellness of children through father engagement.

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Fathers & Families Coalition of America has an exceptional group of experts and industry leaders in early childhood, social work, Head Start, child support, criminal justice and more, as well as cutting-edge and unique niche subject matter professionals. However, Fathers & Families Coalition of America has established standards, goals, objectives and impacts of our national conference for the overall experiences of both professionals and parent attendees.

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FFCA has developed a series of programs during our Pre-Conference Institute and Post-Conference days that are part of the most widely recognized curriculums and training in the nation on fatherhood and marriage and family practices.


Fatherhood Practitioner Credential supports the continuous professional development with in-depth knowledge, proven evidence-based practices with experience for the enhancement of capacity, competence and national practice standards consistent with the area of specialized fatherhood engagement practice. Fatherhood Practitioner Credential training advances the skills of practitioners with a competency-based education approach proven to advance the skills of professionals in child welfare, early childhood, marriage and family therapists, social work, criminal justice, psychologists, educators, counselors, family service workers and fatherhood practitioners.

Monday, February 19th

Nurturing Fathers Program Curriculum Training is one of the nation's top fatherhood curriculums that is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Practices and Programs. The Nurturing Fathers Program is an evidence-based, 13-week training course designed to teach parenting and nurturing skills to men. Each class provides proven, effective skills for healthy family relationships and child development.  NFP has been successfully implemented in Schools, Head Start, Churches, State DSS, Prisons, Halfway Houses, Prevent Child Abuse, Parenting and Counseling Centers, Military, Community Action Agencies and many others. Available in Spanish and has proven effective with fathers of diverse backgrounds.

Friday, February 23rd

 *These two combined provide the necessary capacity building assistance for an advanced fatherhood practice. Read more in our conference program (here).


MFTs, Healthy Relationship Educators, Family Service Providers and more...Fathers & Families Coalition of America has collaborated with two of the premiere Healthy Relationship and Marriage Providers Nationally!

PREP is coming to our national conference for the first time! PREP Version 8.0 is the most current version of that flagship curriculum for couples. Over 30 years of research into relationship dynamics, PREP is providing a customized training on their newest curriculum, PREP 8.0 at a very reduced fee that will give all those parent educators, family service workers, child welfare, foster care and other professionals a powerful curriculum and with this training, qualified to use other PREP national curriculums. Read more in our conference program and get ready to return to your practice/agency with one of the best models of proven success in America.

Friday, February 23rd  

PREPARE/Enrich Marriage Assessment Training: Becoming certified allows you to gain the knowledge and skills to most effectively use the PREPARE/Enrich assessment in your work with couples.  You will be able to access resources you need to become proficient in the use of PREPARE/Enrich. This is a special training to learn how to use this dynamic assessment as a tool to support healthy relationships and work with diverse parents to include foster care parents, pre-adoptive parents, single or divorced remarrying parents and more. PREPARE/Enrich training will augment the ability to assess satisfaction levels in 12 relationship categories. Uniquely assess parenting styles and parenting stress. Learn more about this special program in our conference program.

Monday, February 19th

*The PREP 8.0 with PREPARE/Enrich marriage assessment certification training takes MFTs, parent educators, family service workers and others engaged in relationship training from sound practitioners to advanced practitioners and best-practice model...


FFCA has created a platform for those working with youth, adolescents, young adults, teen parents and foster-care children to receive two of the top experts in youth development and resiliency training. We are very excited to host ReCapturing the Vision and Kids at Hope for an integrated evidence-based intervention training that is needed for those working with high-risk and in-risk youth/young adults.

Pre-conference institute training, Monday, February 19th ReCapturing the Vision's evidence-based and cutting-edge programs cultivate developmental assets that are proven antidotes to the issues that cripple the positive development of youth into adulthood.  The youth resiliency training integrates a mentoring program as well as how to replicate facets of RtV's "Men of Vision" designed for middle and high school age youth, this program teaches young, urban males invaluable lessons about life planning, job preparation, fatherhood and a successful transition into manhood.

Complimenting the youth development pre-conference institute training with Kids At Hope's 3.5-hour symposium on Tuesday, February 20th as a customized training from their two-day Masters' certificate training program. FFCA has committed to going into youth development model training to compliment the early childhood and parenting training as an engaging and holistic approach to serve children, youth and families. Kids At Hope will introduce evidence based-interventions for a limited space available symposium on our opening day. Do not miss out on Professor Rick Miller, Founder of Kids At Hope or Dr. Jaqueline Del Rosario, CEO of ReCapturing the Vision on our Opening Day as featured talk presenters.

Read more here...

Fatherhood Life Coach Certification Program

FLC is a special program of FFCA with collaborating partner, Life Impact, LLC that is offered twice a year for those who want to participate for an in-person training followed by over 60 hours of ongoing training and practicum. Learn more about the Fatherhood Life Coach Program here and contact FFCA for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Now is the time to register and save for an outstanding national conference, pre-conference and post-conference training as this is not just part of professional development and training, but the journey to help others.

Support? Call us at 424-225-1323 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


19th Annual Families and Fathers National 2018 Conference
February 19-23, 2018,
Los Angeles Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel
6101 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90045  

Powerhouse speakers taking the helm at the 19th Annual Fathers & Families 2018 National Conference Head Start teachers, family service workers, child welfare workers, fatherhood practitioners, criminal justice professionals, foster care and social policy makers that are working with children and families will greatly benefit from these transformational change innovators and experts.